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MECE 6334: Convection Heat Transfer
Usually offered in the Fall Semester.

This class focuses on the fundamental physics associated with heat transfer at the interface between a solid and a moving fluid, i.e., convection. The goal is to provide basic theoretical tools to engineering students to address problems they will encounter in energy systems and other technologies.

The course outcomes include an understanding of convection heat transfer processes and understanding of some of the well-known convection heat transfer solutions. The course focuses on solving convection heat transfer problems encountered in scientific research and engineering application.

Topics Covered

Introduction to Fluid Motion: This part of the course introduces the different type of fluid properties such as, kinematic, transport and thermodynamics properties. Also, provides an overview of the fundamental boundary layer equations in viscous fluid flow. The basic laws of conservation of mass (continuity equation), conservation of momentum (Navier-Stokes equations) and conservation of energy equations will be reviewed and discussed.

Momentum Transfer and Heat Transfer of Laminar/Turbulent Flow: In this unit, well-known solutions to incompressible Newtonian flow will be covered. Correlations for solving heat transfer problems will be deducted from boundary layer equations, basic law equations and dimensionless parameters in viscous flow. Practical problems usually encountered in engineering application will be reviewed. Laminar and turbulent flow topics will cover both, motion and heat transfer, inside tubes and external boundary layer.

Course Grading
The course grade will be based on homework and exams.