
William Thomas, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor, Mechanical and Subsea Engineering
Email wjthomas2 [at] uh.edu
Phone 281-591-4063
Curriculum Vitae
Engineering Expertise:
Stress Analysis and Structural Design
- Structural finite element analysis with Abaqus and Ansys.
- Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics with Fracture Graphic and Crackwise.
- Metal forming simulation with Pamstamp and Dynaform.
Research Interests
- Failure prediction.
- Metal forming and manufacturing.
- Drilling geomechanics.
- Cryogenic containment design.
Teaching, Presentation and Publication
- Created two new university courses from scratch
- Currently teach three university courses
- Delivered one conference keynote speech.
- Published 20 papers and contributed 2 encyclopedia sections.
Subsea Engineering Experience:
Top Tensioned Riser Design and Analysis
- Global and Component Analysis with FlexComm and OrcaFlex.
- Wave and Current Loading of Offshore Structures
- Vortex Induced Vibration
Oil and Gas Engineering
- Pressure vessel design (ASME Section VIII) and piping design (ASME B31.3).
- Casing design, drilling fluids, bit mechanics, and well control.
- Shipping optimization, mooring selection, and offshore cargo offloading.