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A whopping 13 percent of Texas teens who took the 2015 SAT test indicated that they intended to study engineering in college. Engineering was listed as the second-most popular career choice for Texas teens — 22 percent of…
More Texas Teens Want to be Engineers When They Grow Up
Bill Maddock has been named director of the Subsea Systems Institute, a national research center established in Houston to develop the transformative technologies, engineering and operational practices to safely and sustainably…
Industry Veteran Named Director for Subsea Systems Institute
A combination of nine university professors and industry professionals is joining the Cullen College of Engineering faculty at the University of Houston this semester. The majority are biomedical engineers with expertise ranging…
Cullen College Welcomes Nine Engineering Professors
The 2015 Research & Innovation magazine exemplifies the University of Houston’s revolutionary scientific discoveries, scholarship and ingenuity. In this issue you will read about UH researchers’ cutting-edge approaches to…
UH Research & Innovation Magazine Now Available
UH Cullen College of Engineering professors are known for offering undergraduate students unique opportunities to get involved in high-level research projects. One such opportunity is available through the National Science…
UH Engineering Professors Offer Unique Research Experiences to Undergrads
Beginning this Fall, San Jacinto College students will be eligible for a seamless transfer into the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering. San Jacinto College has signed an articulation agreement with the University…
Engineering Students Now Have Seamless Transfer Option With UH
Engineering and computer science professions attract fewer women than other STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields in the United States. For more than a decade, professors at the UH Cullen College of…
G.R.A.D.E. Camp Redefines STEM Field Roles
The Engineering Alumni Association (EAA) held its annual Alumni Awards Gala on June 11 at the Houston Petroleum Club. The event is held every year in honor of distinguished Cullen College alumni and faculty who are awarded for…
PHOTOS: 2015 Engineering Alumni Association Gala
More than 94,700 experts from the offshore energy industry gathered at NRG Park in Houston for the 2015 Offshore Technology Conference (OTC), held from May 4-7. During uncertain times within the energy industry as oil prices…
Energy Companies are Cutting Costs, but UH Engineering Professor says Now is the Time to Spend
The scholarship committee for the Texas Center for Superconductivity at the University of Houston is pleased to announce the TcSUH scholarship recipients for the 2015-2016 academic year, each of whom will receive a $2,500 award.…
Texas Center for Superconductivity Announces 2015-2016 Scholarship Recipients
Roger Eichhorn, former dean of the Cullen College, passed away on Monday, May 4, 2015 in Houston, Texas. He was 84 years old. Eichhorn became the dean of the University of Houston Cullen College of Engineering in 1982 – a…
Remembering Roger Eichhorn: Former Dean Passes Away at 84
Graduate students from the University of Houston won top honors in the Texas Energy Innovation Challenge with a plan to harness geothermal energy to treat water produced during hydraulic fracturing. The competition, held Friday,…
UH Team Wins the Texas Energy Innovation Challenge
The mission of the UH Cullen College of Engineering is to serve the Greater Houston community by establishing innovative and industry-relevant engineering programs that help to drive the economy forward in the state of Texas. The…
Gift From NOV, TRIP Grows Subsea's Computing Power
A team of graduate students from the University of Houston will take the Texas Energy Innovation Challenge, offering a solution to a problem gaining attention in shale plays across the country. Producing oil or natural gas from…
UH Team Takes the Texas Energy Innovation Challenge
Ramanan Krishnamoorti, acting vice president/vice chancellor for research and technology transfer at the University of Houston, has been asked to testify before Congress about an innovative workforce training program developed…
Cullen College Professor, UH Leader Testifies Before Congress on Energy Training Program
Over the course of his career as an engineer, Larry Snider (BSIE ’55) lived and worked all around the world. Larry and his wife, Gerri, have called many places “home,” from California and Iran, to Ohio and Pakistan. Yet no matter…
VIDEO: Alumnus Supports College With $4.5M Charitable Gift Annuity
The Houston Chronicle recently tapped into the engineering expertise at the Cullen College, asking Engineering Career Center director Vita Como, "What are the latest trends with demand for skilled engineers?" After two years of…
Houston Chronicle: What are latest trends with demand for skilled engineers?
The 2015 Cullen College of Engineering Alumni Awards Gala will be held at the Petroleum Club of Houston on Thursday, June 11, 2015. The annual event, hosted by the Engineering Alumni Association, recognizes the professional…
EAA Announces 2015 Gala Award Winners
The UH Cullen College of Engineering is the world’s clear leader in establishing and standardizing subsea engineering education, research and policymaking. Faculty members in the subsea engineering program at UH are often sought…
ASME Magazine Taps into UH Subsea Engineering Experts
Students at the University of Houston are eligible to participate in the Moscow Summer Intern Program as part of a student initiative of the Baker Institute Space Policy Program. The program is a wonderful opportunity for all UH…
Moscow Summer Intern Program for UH Engineering Students